The project snapshots below span 20 years of personal and professional exploration of web technologies, software platforms and design trends

P&W Project hub

A bespoke hub for pitching to new clients, presenting ongoing projects, and sharing information among project teams

Flight Case Studio

A suite of four music production and DJ apps that allow creators to record, create and perform from their iPad, anywhere

The MOnitor Group 

A boutique financial planning firm’s website that underwent three redesigns in the 10 years I worked with the client

Web-based party, event and vendor advertising platform and business I launched while a student at Virginia Tech

Perkins&Will Project Hub


 Xcode Wire Frame

A native iOS app for marketing existing work to new clients, hosting multimedia client presentations, and ensuring on-going design team coordination

The central cafe in the P&W office inspired the dashboard concept 


The interactivity of the iPad brought the vibrant multimedia content the firm produces for its clients right to their fingers


Conceived as both an external presentation and marketing tool, but also an internal vehicle for team members to coordinate and share drawing sets, notes, and documents

content harvesting

 Automated workflows allowed project teams to quickly build a library of content and maintain it as new projects were designed

software and Tools

Hand Wire Framing // Apple Xcode // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Illustrator // Adobe InDesign // Trimble SketchUp // Apple iBook Author

Project Hub harnessed the firm’s information and assets, presenting them in a clear, organized, and scannable layout

Users are encouraged to browse the firm’s completed projects at left and access the firm’s industry-leading differentiators, such as research and commitments, at right.

My pitch to firm leadership carefully considered phasing, staffing, and expenses to build the app and package existing project content

Flight Case Studio


Xcode Wire Frame

A suite of apps that provide musicians and DJs the key tools needed to produce and perform music and DJ sets directly from an iPad

Powerful alone, together they offer a unique suite of capabilities

a whole kit in your hand

The four apps let producers make studio-level music production anywhere at a fraction of the hardware cost

only on ipad

Despite a thriving commercial gear industry, this product offered artists an unprecedented level of control and customization plus tight integration between apps allows producers to unlock new experiences

Market validated

When theiPad launched, I identified an opportunity and explored the concept. The following year a similar app, Algoriddim Djay, was demoed during the iPad keynote and continues to be the leading DJ app


Hand Wire Framing // Apple Xcode  // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Illustrator // Adobe Soundtrack

The turntable had been at the center of music culture for over 40 years. This app brings together the familiarity of an analog table with the features that CD turntables and MP3 Controllers have made standard

For maximum control during cuing and scratching, the DJ can take the control surface to a full 12″ diameter–something not available on any DJ controller or app

The heart of a musician or DJ’s gear; the mixer typically runs four channels. Flight Case users can feed audio from eight inputs, creating a richer audio experience

A sampler offers artists an unlimited library of sounds, songs and effects, and with the iPad’s WiFi connection, users can add more live during sessions. In addition to color and text labels, trigger pads display images, GIFs and pad settings

Sequencers bring single sounds and notes together into a composition. The large screen displays 16 tracks at once, with the instrument name along side a full four-bar measure. The on-screen keyboard and effects eliminate bulky, expensive gear and complexity from a producers typical workflow

The Monitor Group


HTML / CSS Coded

A leading financial planning firm’s website aimed at introducing The Monitor Group team, highlighting their market differentiators, and educating prospective clients

Designed to provide clear information to its users

through the years

The client wanted a more engaging website to market to new clients. Over the course of four site redesigns, the business grew three-fold before being acquired in 2012.

mindful of the users

Understanding that many of the company’s clients weren’t adept at website navigation 2002, I focused on a clear navigation scheme that created a more browsable, accessible experience. 

Content Strategy

To improve search ranking, I suggested regular updates to the content library, including articles and other media with call-to-action banners highlighting updates as they were made.


Hand Wire Framing // HTML+CSS using Adobe Dreamweaver // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Illustrator // CyberDuck FTP // Personal Web Host // On-Site Photography

This design focused on delivering a wide range of content in one compact screen. Sized to fit the standard screen resolutions of the time, the design featured the client’s most important resources, including badges to highlight firm differentiators.

Because much of the content was text focused, I prioritized typography and text styling. Drop- down navigation augmented the side navigation.

The client requested a redesign to reflect a shift in their brand colors and marketing focus. A simplified landing page helped reinforce the Northern Virginia firm’s proximity to Washington, DC.

The redesign included an expanded content library with new copy and photography, as well as an expanded side navigation bar to allow direct access to any page with two clicks.

The first redesign included a bold green color palette, clear information hierarchy, and improved navigation using a persistent sidebar navigation menu to increase content discovery.

The existing website lacked a strong visual identity and hierarchy. I was hired to provide a more structured design and improve information discoverability | Source Evolution


HTML / CSS Coded

Seeing a gap in the market, I established a web-based hub for party, event, band and DJ listings.

The site served Virginia Tech students, social groups, bands, and DJs who previously relied only on classified ads in the local paper

Social Purpose

To provide students with important safety and educational information, I created the Party Safe section with information pulled from leading medical resources

Direct Impact

The website garnered immediate student interest and connected dozens of DJs and party hosts with thousands of students each weekend


Changes to advertising rules instituted in response to the website’s popularity eliminated the primary revenue stream.

Software and Tools

HTML+CSS using Adobe Dreamweaver // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Illustrator //  Adobe Indesign // CyberDuck FTP // Personal Web Host

Users land on an information-rich nightlife hub. The physical flier is shown on the sidebar as a as a call back to the on-campus promotional materials

It was important to build users’ trust by introducing myself as a fellow Hokie

While doesn’t have the full website archived, the site map above provides context of the platform’s information architecture